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Visit Korpo
Visit Korpo

Äta & sova

A fancy and colourful meal in Hotel Nestor Korpo
Photo: Linda - Abo Creatives

ställen att äta och sova för alla smaker

Skärgårdens popularitet som besöksmål ökar för varje år. I Korpo hittar du flera populära restauranger & bekväma övernattningsställen. Det lönar sig att vara ute i god tid om man vill övernatta i Korpo under högsäsong, men spontana besökare kan ha tur och hitta lediga sovplatser även då. Det lönar sig alltid att ta kontakt med de lokala företagarna och kolla läget. Många har dessutom öppet året om, så varför inte besöka skärgården under lågsäsongen för att njuta av det verkliga skärgårdslivet!



Året runt
Photo: Lauri Santavuori
Salmon soup closeup on a restaurant table


Exterior drone view of Hjalmars restaurant and pub
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Buffalo famous pork ribs and a glass of red wine

Restaurang Buffalo

Buffalo famous pork ribs and a glass of red wine
Restaurang Buffalo
Säsong & Veckoslut under lågsäsong
Photo: Abo Creatives
A fancy and colourful meal in Hotel Nestor Korpo

Back Pocket

Terrace view of Hotel Nestor in Korpo
Photo: Abo Creatives
Back Pocket
A pizza with rucola and onion

J&J’s Pizzeria

A pizza with rucola and onion
J&J’s Pizzeria
Photo: Abo Creatives
Hands holding a plate with a tasty hamburger in Rumar Strand Korpo

Rumar Strand

Drone view of Rumar Strannd terrace and harbour in the summer
Photo: Ubuntu Productions
Rumar Strand
A dish with fish, new potatoes and salad in front of the sea

Restaurang Sunnan

A dish with fish, new potatoes and salad in front of the sea
Restaurang Sunnan


Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Drone view BMA Cap Horn in Korpo

BMA - Café cap horn

Drone view BMA Cap Horn in Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
BMA - Café cap horn
Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Exterior drone view of Hjalmars restaurant and pub


Exterior drone view of Hjalmars restaurant and pub
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
April-oktober & december
Café Simppu in Korpo

Café Simppu

Café Simppu in Korpo
Café Simppu
Buffalo famous pork ribs and a glass of red wine

Restaurang Buffalo

Buffalo famous pork ribs and a glass of red wine
Restaurang Buffalo


Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Drone view BMA Cap Horn in Korpo

BMA - Café cap horn

Drone view BMA Cap Horn in Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
BMA - Café cap horn
April-oktober & december
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Café Simppu in Korpo

Café Simppu

Café Simppu in Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Café Simppu
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Drone view of Galtby Boden with cars waiting for the ferry in Korpo

Galtby Boden

Drone view of Galtby Boden with cars waiting for the ferry in Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Galtby Boden
Wide view of Skärgårdscentrum korpoström with the sun in the background

Restaurang Sunnan

Wide view of Skärgårdscentrum korpoström with the sun in the background
Restaurang Sunnan



Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Exterior drone view of Hjalmars restaurant and pub


Exterior drone view of Hjalmars restaurant and pub
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Main building and terrace at Hotel Nestor in Korpo on a sunny summer day

Hotel Nestor

Main building and terrace at Hotel Nestor in Korpo on a sunny summer day
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Hotel Nestor
A room with two single beds and view to the sea

Hotell Korpoström

A room with two single beds and view to the sea
Hotell Korpoström


Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
A colourful room on Solvilan bed and breakfast in Korpo


A colourful room on Solvilan bed and breakfast in Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
A beautiful summer view of Hannaksen Tila bed and breakfast

Hannaksen Tila

A beautiful summer view of Hannaksen Tila bed and breakfast
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Hannaksen Tila
Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Arvids background image

Arvids B&B

A beautiful room filled with light and color on Arvids B&B Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Arvids B&B
Året runt
Garden view from DAG 15 bed and breakfast in Korpo


Garden view from DAG 15 bed and breakfast in Korpo
Året runt
Röda huset bed and breakfast in Korpo

Röda Huset

Röda huset bed and breakfast in Korpo
Röda Huset
Lassas Guesthouse in the background and garden

Lassas Guesthouse

Lassas Guesthouse in the background and garden
Lassas Guesthouse


A Wattkast stugor cottage in Wattkast Korpo

Wattkast stugor

A Wattkast stugor cottage in Wattkast Korpo
Wattkast stugor
Året runt
One cottage from Pedars stugor in Korpo

Pedars Stugor

One cottage from Pedars stugor in Korpo
Pedars Stugor
Året runt
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
A cottage of Strömma Gård by the sea in Korpo

Strömma stugor

A cottage of Strömma Gård by the sea in Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Strömma stugor
Året runt
A cottage from Hollsténs Stugor

Hollstas Stugor

A cottage from Hollsténs Stugor
Hollstas Stugor
Året runt
A sunflower field in front of Faffas bed and breakfast in Korpo


A sunflower field in front of Faffas bed and breakfast in Korpo
Året runt


Tornvillan Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Two cottages in Rumar Strand Korpo

Rumar Strand

Two cottages in Rumar Strand Korpo
Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
Rumar Strand


Photo: Aarón - Ubuntu Productions
A tentsile on Naawa Nature Camp Korpo

Naawa Nature Camp

A tentsile on Naawa Nature Camp Korpo
Naawa Nature Camp
Caravan and tent camping on Rumar Strand Korpo

Rumar Strand

Caravan and tent camping on Rumar Strand Korpo
Rumar Strand
